La Jolla Senior Care News

Companion care at home services can help monitor the frequency and severity of tremors.

Understanding Tremors in Seniors

Tremors, ranging from mild to severe, are common as the body ages, highlighting the importance of companion care at home services for seniors to address and monitor these with their medical team.

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Alzheimer's home care offers care and support for loved ones living with Alzheimer’s.

How Alzheimer’s Care Can Help Your Mom

Alzheimer’s home care offers personalized support for seniors living with Alzheimer’s, allowing them to live safely and comfortably at home while receiving care tailored to their changing needs.

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Home care assistance can help reduce stress for seniors aging in place.

How Stress Can Affect Seniors’ Health

As seniors age, they can begin to experience stress over many things that they can’t do anymore. Home care assistance can help alleviate some of that stress because they will have a caregiver to step in.

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