La Jolla Senior Care News

Understanding Tremors in Seniors

Tremors, ranging from mild to severe, are common as the body ages, highlighting the importance of companion care at home services for seniors to address and monitor these with their medical team.
Companion care at home services can help monitor the frequency and severity of tremors.
Companion care at home services can help monitor the frequency and severity of tremors.

It’s common knowledge that the body naturally changes with age, with some changes being more obvious than others. Tremors are one such change that may concern seniors and be a sign of underlying health problems. Tremors can range in severity from mild to severe and are defined as involuntary rhythmic movements of one or more body parts. People of all ages are susceptible to tremors, but they may become more common with age, which begs the question of their importance for senior health.

The good news is that with companion care at home services by seniors’ sides, they gain the encouragement they need to explore their concerns with the medical team as well as much-needed monitoring if tremors get worse.


Interpreting Tremors: What Do They Mean?

Seniors who have tremors may have them for a variety of reasons, such as neurological disorders, adverse medication reactions, or even natural aging. Maintaining general well-being and managing effectively requires understanding the possible underlying causes.

  • Essential Tremor: This is the most prevalent kind of tremor among seniors, usually affecting the hands, head, or voice. Essential tremor usually runs in families, and the exact cause is unknown. It typically gets worse with movement or stress before getting better with rest.
  • Parkinson’s Disease: Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurological condition that frequently presents with tremors, stiffness, slowness, and imbalance issues. Tremors typically start in the hands or fingers while the person is at rest and can spread to other body parts.
  • Tremors Due to Medication Side Effects: Seniors frequently take several medications to treat different medical conditions. Unfortunately, tremors could be a side effect of some medications. With companion care in home services, seniors gain a better understanding of the possible side effects that may occur and the motivation to talk with their medical team about possible alternatives if the tremors become too much to handle.
  • Neurological Disorders: Tremors may also be linked to neurological disorders like multiple sclerosis, stroke, or specific brain tumors. In certain situations, tremors may coexist with a wider variety of neurological symptoms and call for particular diagnostic assessments.


How Can Seniors Manage Tremors?

Maintaining optimal health and well-being for seniors with tremors requires support from companion care at home caregivers and assistance from the medical team, as well as putting appropriate management strategies into place, including the following:

  • Medical Evaluation: Seniors should undergo a thorough medical evaluation to identify the underlying cause of their tremors. Neurological evaluations, imaging analyses, and laboratory testing may be necessary to rule out or identify any potential contributing factors.
  • Medication Management: If a medication causes a tremor, doctors may change the dosage or recommend a different drug with fewer side effects. Seniors must be transparent with their healthcare team and companion care at home providers about any concerns they may have regarding their medications.
  • Therapeutic Interventions: In order to control tremors and enhance functional abilities, physical and occupational therapy can be extremely helpful. Seniors can more effectively manage their symptoms with the help of therapists who can design exercises specifically designed to improve coordination, strength, and fine motor skills.
  • Lifestyle Adjustments: A few easy lifestyle adjustments, like cutting back on caffeine, managing stress, and getting enough sleep, may help with tremor symptoms. Additionally, utilizing adaptive utensils or assistive devices may also help.


Even though tremors can be difficult, they don’t have to define or restrict a senior’s ability to lead a full and active life, especially when they have support from companion care at home caregivers and their loved ones.



If you or an aging loved one are considering Companion Care at Home in La Jolla, CA, please contact the caring staff at La Jolla Nurses Homecare today. Call (858) 454-9339

La Jolla Nurses Homecare is a top provider of home care services in San Diego, La Jolla, Rancho Santa Fe, Del Mar, Solana Beach, Encinitas, Carmel Valley, Point Loma, Bankers Hill, Mission Hills, Kensington, Coronado, University City, Pacific Beach, and all of San Diego County.




Brittnei Salerno

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