La Jolla Senior Care News

Personal Care at Home: 5 Essential Steps for Preventing RSV

Personal Care at Home: RSV Prevention San Diego, CA
Personal Care at Home: RSV Prevention San Diego, CA

Protect Your Loved Ones: Preventing RSV with Personal Care at Home

The ever-present threat of RSV (Respiratory syncytial virus) has intensified this year, particularly concerning its impact on the health of seniors. Though typically causing mild cold-like symptoms in most healthy adults. RSV poses a significant threat to older adults, potentially leading to severe complications. Previously a concern primarily for young children, RSV now demands the attention of caregivers for aging individuals. If you have experience raising children in recent years, you’re likely familiar with the potential severity of RSV illnesses.

As a caregiver, you play a vital role in protecting your aging loved one from the health crisis posed by RSV. Older adults are significantly more susceptible to severe symptoms, often requiring hospitalization for recovery. Fortunately, proactive measures can be taken to mitigate the risk of RSV development in your loved one. Implementing dedicated personal care at home services emerges as a crucial strategy in safeguarding the health and well-being of your senior family member.

Here’s how personal care at home can help protect your loved one from RSV:

Personal Care at Home: RSV Prevention San Diego, CA
Personal Care at Home: RSV Prevention San Diego, CA

Get vaccinated.

Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent RSV. The CDC recommends it for all individuals over 60. This may mean you or your loved one’s personal care provider also needs the vaccine. It also benefits those with medical conditions that RSV can worsen.

Stay home when you’re sick.

While you can stop what the rest of the world does when they’re not feeling well, you can encourage your family members and even your loved one’s personal care at home provider to stay home and not visit your loved one if they’re not feeling well. Remind them that even if all they are feeling is a bit of a cold, that cold could be RSV, which could cause your loved one to become very ill.

Wash your hands.

When visiting your loved one, everyone should thoroughly wash their hands upon entering your loved one’s home. Wash for at least 20 seconds with warm soapy water to reduce the risk of bringing in unwanted germs. Encourage your loved one to do the same before each meal and after outings.

Avoid close contact with others.

During this season, it’s best to offer an elbow bump instead of shaking hands, especially with people you don’t know well. If your loved one receives personal care at home services, consider requesting that their provider wear a mask when they need to be in close physical proximity for extended periods.

Disinfect areas that are frequently touched by a multitude of people. These can include door knobs, light switches, phones, and remote controls. RSV is easily spread from one person to another so maintaining healthy prevention habits can help keep your loved one safe from this virus.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Personal Care at Home in San Diego, CA please contact the caring staff at La Jolla Nurses Homecare today.

Call (858) 454-9339

La Jolla Nurses Homecare is a top provider of home care services in San Diego, La Jolla, Rancho Santa Fe, Del Mar, Solana Beach, Encinitas, Carmel Valley, Point Loma, Bankers Hill, Mission Hills, Kensington, Coronado, University City, Pacific Beach, and all of San Diego County

Brittnei Salerno

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