Have you considered the best ways to keep your mom active? It can be harder to stay active as arthritis pain kicks in. She’s taking medications that cause dizziness or make her tired. She might have rheumatism and finds that her joints ache more when it’s cool and rainy. Her doctors say she needs to get as much exercise as she can each day and set 30 minutes as her daily goal. Both you and her in-home care provider can help her achieve that goal.
Talk to Her Doctor
Ask her doctor if it’s possible for your mom to work with a physical therapist. She can learn the best exercises for building muscle and balance, which makes it easier to become active. The more strength she gains, the more exercise she’ll want to get.
Find Activities She Enjoys
Try different things with your mom. Take her into the woods for a walk on a forest path. Look for ADA-compliant trails that are less likely to have roots and steep slopes. While walking, she might want to try birdwatching. Her in-home care provider can also encourage her to do things she enjoys.
If she enjoys gardening, that can be a great activity, especially if her mobility is limited. Plus, she’ll grow her own produce, which is beneficial when it comes to her diet. The more vegetables she gets, especially vegetables of varying colors, the more vitamins and antioxidants she takes in and that helps with cell repair.
Improve Her Diet
What does your mom eat each day? A healthier diet can make it easier to stay active. If your mom needs to lose weight, a diet focusing on fresh produce, whole grains, seafood, and calcium-rich foods is going to help. Many doctors recommend the Mediterranean Diet as it focuses more on vegetables and legumes.
The same diet will provide your mom with the nutrients and energy she needs. She avoids filling up on empty carbs that lead to peaks of energy and then the dreaded carb crash that makes her want to curl up and sleep.
Keep Her Company on Walks
Does your mom hate walking without someone with her? It’s not uncommon to find an older adult become fearful due to neighborhood dogs that run up, heavy traffic that doesn’t slow down or move over, or fears of falling. Your mom might be afraid that she’ll become too tired to make it back.
If your mom has someone with her on walks, she’ll have more confidence. She’ll be able to walk farther or have support if she tires out and needs a supportive arm to hold on to for the walk home. You can do this for her, or you can arrange home care services.
In-home care aides can accompany your mom when she’s being active. She doesn’t have to worry about being alone if a strange dog approached or she got tired. Arrange in-home care by making a call and talking to an advisor.
For more information about how caregivers at La Jolla Nurses Homecare can help your aging parents stay in their own homes, call 858-454-9339. We are a home care agency providing quality and affordable In-Home Care in San Diego, CA, and the surrounding communities.
Today we are the oldest and most experienced private duty agency in San Diego County.She saw a need for quality private duty home health care and she worked diligently to build an agency that filled that need.I am proud to say, her vision is carried on today with our dedicated staff.
I believe our tenure in the community speaks well for us.We have had the opportunity to be of service to countless interesting individuals, including local and worldwide celebrities.It is the people we care for that makes this a fascinating industry.Whether high profile or a more ordinary citizen, we are proud that thousands have entrusted us with their care or the care of their loved ones.Our Mission is to provide high quality, very secure and the most compassionate home health care.We believe that patients heal faster and are happiest when they can stay in their homes.”
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