La Jolla Senior Care News

Foods That Help Fight The Flu

Home Care: Flu Fighting Foods in Del Mar, Ca
Home Care: Flu Fighting Foods in Del Mar, Ca

As your senior mom or dad gets older they may need more help around the house, especially when it comes to cooking meals. Senior home care can help provide transportation to the store to pick up fresh foods, grocery shops, but also prepare meals for your elderly loved one. Seniors may not be able to do as much as they used to but they may wish to age in place. With senior home care and the help of family members, it is possible to live a high quality life at home now. If you are trying to figure out what senior home care can make or pick up for a senior to eat, here are some superfoods that will help boost their immune systems, fight the flu, and may even prevent colds.

Dark Greens

Dark greens tend to be bitter when they are not made properly and you may think your loved one will not like that. However, when they are prepared the right way things like kale and spinach can not only be a superfood but they can be incredibly tasty. Senior home care can help prepare a delicious salad with kale or even stick spinach into a smoothie for your loved one to enjoy. Dark leafy greens are packed with nutrients that help nourish a seniors body and allows them to fight off icky bacteria that can cause a flu or cold. Your loved one should be focused on eating tons of fresh fruits and vegetables. If they have a dark green vegetable they like, it’s time to buy more of them to eat.

Berries Can Be Tasty And Healthy

Home Care: Flu Fighting Foods in Del Mar, Ca
Home Care: Flu Fighting Foods in Del Mar, Ca

If your loved one craves sweet food but wants to stay away from sugar, berries are a good fruit to snack on. They are filled with natural sugars that will give your loved one that satisfying mouth-feel, but they are packed with nutrients that will help them battle colds all year long. Senior home care can help wash berries and make them into light snacks your loved one can enjoy. Most berries have tons of antioxidants and vitamin C which is known to help prevent colds from happening. If your loved one is low on vitamin C they may get sick easier. Eating tons of berries is one of the best ways to prevent getting sick or getting over a cold faster.

Ginger for Seniors

Ginger is a root that has a very strong spicy flavor and most people don’t eat it raw but it can be added into other foods. Ginger is a superfood and can be made into tea or paired with meats and vegetables for your loved one to enjoy. It can help settle an upset stomach and prevent colds by helping blood flow and stimulating circulation. If your senior mom or dad is having trouble breathing or battling tons of mucus, ginger can help keep their lungs clearer.

Yogurt Can be a Good Snack

Your senior can pop open a bottle of yogurt and it will help settle their stomach but also provide good gut health. It’s filled with probiotics that will help nourish a seniors body. The best thing about this food item is that it requires nothing else. A senior can eat this plain, making it super easy to snack on during the day when they are alone.


If you or an aging loved one are considering home care in Del Mar, CA please contact the caring staff at La Jolla Nurses Homecare today. Call (858) 454-9339

La Jolla Nurses Homecare is a top provider of home care services in San Diego, La Jolla, Rancho Santa Fe, Del Mar, Solana Beach, Encinitas, Carmel Valley, Point Loma, Bankers Hill, Mission Hills, Kensington, Coronado, University City, Pacific Beach, and all of San Diego County.

Brittnei Salerno
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