La Jolla Senior Care News

Dusting, Vacuuming, and Regular Cleaning May be Too Difficult for your Aging Loved One

Senior Care Coronado CA

Senior Care Coronado CA Keeping up with housework can be challenging for seniors, especially those who have difficulty getting around. As people get older, they will experience numerous physical challenges, especially a decrease in strength and stamina.

As the body ages, it will begin to lose muscle mass even though the senior may be exercising on a regular basis. As it reaches a certain point, keeping up with regular housework can take much longer and can be more dangerous in certain situations.

For example, if the senior has diminished strength and their washer and dryer is in the basement, it can be difficult for them to carry a basket of laundry down and back up. As a result, they may allow the laundry to pile up for an entire week or longer until a family member, friend, neighbor, or even a professional caregiver stops over to help them out. For the senior who relies on some extra care from friends or family members, it’s still important to maintain the cleanliness in their house as much as possible.

Dusting, vacuuming, and regular cleaning should continue to be maintained. If the senior can’t do this on their own, they have options available to them. The most significant option is to hire a professional, experienced senior care service provider who can assist them with these tasks. It may simply be that the senior has difficulty getting the vacuum out and to the second floor to vacuum the carpeting.

It may be that the senior can no longer balance on a stepladder so he or she can’t dust a ceiling fan, a tall piece of furniture, or even wipe down windowsills, molding, and other areas.

When regular cleaning is not done, when dusting isn’t kept up with on a regular basis, it can negatively impact air quality. April 26th through May 2nd is Air Quality Awareness Week and allergens, bacteria, germs, and other pollutants can be part of the dust that surrounds and infiltrates any home.

For the senior who may be living alone and not relying on any support, for this reason alone the prospect of professional senior care services should be considered. Poor air quality can affect health and well-being, thus impacting many other aspects of their life. Relying on family members, friends, or even neighbors to help out could be a reasonable solution, but if that assistance is not consistent, professional senior care should be a serious consideration.

La Jolla Nurses Homecare can help your aging parents remain in their own homes, call 858-454-9339. We are a home care agency providing quality and affordable senior care in La Costa, CA, and the surrounding communities."]” data-sheets-userformat=”[null,null,767,[null,0],[null,2,10667209],[null,[[null,2,0,null,null,[null,2,0]],[null,0,0,3],[null,1,0,null,1]]],[null,[[null,2,0,null,null,[null,2,0]],[null,0,0,3],[null,1,0,null,1]]],[null,[[null,2,0,null,null,[null,2,0]],[null,0,0,3],[null,1,0,null,1]]],[null,[[null,2,0,null,null,[null,2,0]],[null,0,0,3],[null,1,0,null,1]]],2,2,null,0]”>For more information about how the caregivers at La Jolla Nurses Homecare can help your aging parents remain in their own homes, call 858-454-9339. We are a home care agency providing quality and affordable senior care in Coronado, CA, and the surrounding communities.

Brittnei Salerno
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