Unfortunately seniors often experience tooth and gum pain. Sometimes this is due to poor fitting dentures or tooth issues that need to be addressed by a dentist. But cavities, gum disease, and even just eating food that is too hard can cause painful flareups and mouth pain. Poor dental hygiene can be a factor in tooth and gum pain too. Seniors that have trouble brushing their teeth should have personal care at home to help them with hygiene tasks like brushing their teeth. Personal care at home can help seniors stay comfortable and healthy when they have difficulty with activities of daily living. Some home remedies seniors can try to alleviate mouth and gum pain are:
Warm Salt Water
A warm salt water rinse is something that almost all seniors can try to get relief from mouth or gum pain. Seniors who have high blood pressure may want to avoid using this remedy unless they have talked to their doctor because some salt will be swallowed. To make a warm salt water rinse fill a glass about halfway through with warm water. Add in a tablespoon or two of table salt. Mix well. Then your senior parent should swish the rinse around in their mouth, paying special attention to the effected area. The pain should stop quickly. This can be done at regular intervals if the pain comes back.
Over The Counter Medications
There are lots of over the counter medications like creams and pills that will stop the pain caused by bad teeth or a problem with the teeth or the gums. Seniors should look or creams and OTC products that say they are safe for use by seniors. It’s also a good idea to check with your senior loved one’s doctor just to make sure they are able to use an over the counter medication. The doctor may switch them to another medication depending on their health.
Peppermint Tea
Peppermint has antibacterial properties as well as anti inflammatory properties. And it’s safe for any senior to drink. Peppermint tea is readily available and all seniors need to do is drink it to get some help handling the hot water to make the tea. Let the tea brew for at least 15 minutes so it’s nice and strong. The used tea bags can applied directly to the site of the pain and inflammation.
Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse
A hydrogen peroxide rinse is something that is easy for most seniors to use because they have peroxide in the house. But seniors may not like the taste of this remedy much. Using two parts hydrogen peroxide to three parts water is the best ratio to use. The peroxide will foam inside the mouth and lift away dead food particles and kill any harmful bacteria in the mouth. It’s the bacteria that is causing the pain so using this rinse should get rid of the pain along with the bacteria. This rinse can cause dry mouth though so seniors should use it sparingly.
For more information about how caregivers at La Jolla Nurses Homecare can help your aging parents stay in their own homes, call 858-454-9339. We are a home care agency providing quality and affordable Personal Care at Home in San Diego, CA, and the surrounding communities.
Today we are the oldest and most experienced private duty agency in San Diego County.She saw a need for quality private duty home health care and she worked diligently to build an agency that filled that need.I am proud to say, her vision is carried on today with our dedicated staff.
I believe our tenure in the community speaks well for us.We have had the opportunity to be of service to countless interesting individuals, including local and worldwide celebrities.It is the people we care for that makes this a fascinating industry.Whether high profile or a more ordinary citizen, we are proud that thousands have entrusted us with their care or the care of their loved ones.Our Mission is to provide high quality, very secure and the most compassionate home health care.We believe that patients heal faster and are happiest when they can stay in their homes.”
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